A Simple Summer

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I woke up this morning racking my brain as to where I should take the boys today. We’re in the midst of summer break and I’ve felt this need to provide constant entertainment for the boys.  We’ve traveled around town exploring new places, visiting some of our favorite spots and it’s be a lot of fun but also very exhausting. Taking 3 little boys out by myself requires some planning. How will I transport them safely to and from the car? Did I bring snacks, drinks, change of clothes? Will we be home in time for nap? I carefully plan out the details of each trip in order to prevent as many meltdowns as possible (theirs and mine).

Then I realized it’s OK to NOT have a plan or visit every playground in Wake county. It’s also OK to not get everything done on my to do list. If the floors don’t get swept or the laundry doesn’t get put away (haha like it ever gets put away), it will be OK.

We have plenty to do this summer between vacations, swim team and VBS I don’t need to fill every waking minute with an outing or project. Letting the boys just be boys is probably the best kind of summer vacation I can give them. So for the rest of the summer I’m going to let them stay in PJs a little longer, make a bigger mess with toys, watch a little extra TV, get dirty playing outside…. and just have fun.

Let’s have a simple summer.

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