Slow Down You’re Moving Too Fast

I went through a Simon and Garfunkel phase in college. However, I wasn’t a fan of slowing down and taking it easy. I was so anxious to move on and get things done, grow up and see where life took me next that I often forgot to stop and enjoy the moment.

As a mom of 3 young boys my to do list is a mile long and for some reason I keep adding more things… I can get overwhelmed at times by the thought of all that I have to do. I wake up making a mental list of what needs to happen. I go to bed at night remembering all the things I forgot to do. I know it drives Joe nuts. He’s a roll with the punches, let’s see where life takes us sort of guy whereas I’m a write out a plan with steps and charts and lists kind of gal. We compliment each other most of the time but sometimes we butt heads in that area.

moments as mom

The other day I purposefully set aside my to-do list and just enjoyed my family. I still did a little laundry and the dishes but mostly I enjoyed being a mom. Joe works from on on Friday so I can occasionally slip away when the boys are napping. In the morning Noah and I went to the mall to return some clothes and then I let him play at the play area. In the afternoon Jude and I went to pick up some ice skating tickets I won then stopped to get hot chocolate at Morning Times.  As we were getting ready to leave it started to downpour so we ducked into Marbles to escape the rain. We played for about an hour before the rain let up and we headed home. There was no schedule, no obligations, we just stopped and enjoyed the moment.

I vowed to not get caught up in my to do list but just let the day take us where we belonged. It was amazing how relaxed I felt and how agreeable and happy the boys were. There was very little whining and complaining, it was amazing. We enjoyed being with each other and at the end of the day I was pleasantly tired and overflowing with joy. I know everyday can’t be as free-spirited but whenever the opportunity arises I’m going to jump at the chance to slow down.

I’ve got to make these moments as a mom last.

Bonus song:

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