Noah Asher – 7 Months (and a few days)

Last week Noah turned 7 months old. The same day my parents celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary. It was a busy week as we prepared to have family visit from out of town so I didn’t get to post about it but I did manage to take a few 7 month pictures.

I asked Noah a few questions about what it’s like being 7 months old…

What are you most excited about now that you are 7 months old?
I’m pretty stoked about sleeping in my own bed in my own room. I’ll admit to do miss sleeping right next to the milkies but the space in my own place is totally worth it. I think we all sleep a little better too. I know I’ve been sleeping 10-12 hours at night and I feel wonderful!

What is your biggest accomplishment?
I think I’ve mastered this sitting thing. I can’t get myself into the sitting position just yet but once I’m there nothing can tip me over… except for a cool toy that I must hurl myself toward because I HAVE to put it in my mouth.

What are you looking forward to most?
This stuff mom and dad and jude keep putting in their mouths. It looks fascinating. I think they call it food. Mom has given me a few things that just didn’t sit well with me and I’m pretty content with my milkies but since I do love putting things in my mouth I must know what all the fuss is about over this solid food.

How do you pass the time?
Well there’s a lot of sleeping and eating. Then I enjoying playing with things I can put in my mouth and I LOVE watching my brother act all sorts of crazy. He cracks me up. That kid will do just about anything to make me laugh… it’s hysterical. Sometimes he gets a little too crazy and hurts me but I’m keeping a running tab and I will undoubtedly be larger than him so I am devising a little payback plan of my own.

What makes you happy?
Oh this one is easy. My mommy. No doubt about it. I just melt when she picks me up and kisses my chubby cheeks. I try to let her know how much I love her by grabbing her hair and kissing her back but sometimes she acts like she doesn’t like it… saying OUCH. Nevertheless I still try. I mean she is the total package. Kisses, Cuddles, Smiles, Milkies and Comfort all wrapped around my little finger. 

So there you have it…. life as a 7 month old seems pretty awesome.
He’s my chunk-a-pottomus. 


Disposable Diaper Size – 4
Clothes – 18 mo (sometimes 12 mo if they are elastic waist)
Sleeps – 10-12 at night
Naps – Either 2 Long or 3 Short
Fav Food – Milkies
Fav Toy – The tag on anything (except for the taggie tags – he only likes the actual tag on taggies)

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