Noah Asher – 7 Months (and a few days)
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Noah is 10 months old! Words that describe Noah at 10 months old: Active Happy Curious Timid Flirt Cuddly Awesome Stats: Weight: 20.8 lbs (he’s lost a little weight since he’s become active) Eats: 3-4 meals of solids a day Sleeps: 2 naps – 1st around 9-10am and 2nd around 2-3pm. Goes to bed around…
When Jude was born Joe had just started a new job and was only able to take off 3 days from work. It was pretty hard being stuck at home alone especially since I was stuck in bed for several days due to health reasons. However, when the baby napped I could nap, shower or…
Noah wearing the outfit Miss Sharon sent him from London. PinShare
I often cut the boys’ hair. I have no professional and heavily rely on YouTube videos to guide me through the process. The first time I ever cut anyone’s hair was when Joe and I were dating. I cut his hair using my mom’s clipper set from when my dad was in the Air Force….
This boy is 4 months old now. I am absolutely in love with him. He has the sweetest disposition and I love watching his personality take shape. He will stare me down until I look at him and then he flashes me the biggest goofy smile you’ve ever seen. I LOVE IT! I’m not sure…
Yesterday Noah turned 16 months old! On Monday he had his check-up at the doctor and he is growing right on track. STATS 50% for weight and a little over 50% for height. weight: 25lbs height: 29.5 inches Number of teeth: 4 (he has a few more that look close to coming in but he’s…