Thoughts on Saving


In this day and age we have nothing but instant gratification. Cell phones, streaming movies, GPS systems, fast food, credit cards, etc… If you want it you can most likely get it RIGHT NOW.

Since getting married almost 3 years ago (September 15th is our anniversary!) I’ve learned a lot about managing money. Mostly that credit is not really worth the instant gratification. After having Jude we decided I should stay at home which made us a 1 income home with a 2 income debt. So I do a little work from home to make a little extra money and I started this blog so we can review products that will save us money from having to buy them. We do whatever we can to save a buck. Whenever we have a need I typically try to review it before we head to the store. If I can’t get it to review I look for coupons or alternative ways of earning money to SAVE up to buy what we need.

I do manage to earn a little money from my blog via ads or sponsored posts. I typically let it accumulate in my PayPal account until I have need for it. I bought my husband his birthday presents with some of it and now I’m saving up to buy a new battery for my laptop.  I think saving is becoming a way of the past for a lot of people. But I find it much more rewarding to put aside a little money or work a little harder for something I really need or want. It’s been a few months and today I finally have all the money I need to buy a new computer batter. I’m super excited about buying a battery which I know seems a little silly but I think it’s because I’ve worked hard and now I can see the rewards of my effort.

So pardon me if you see me trotting around with my laptop unplugged and a big goofy smile on my face. I’m just super proud to have a new battery.

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