Jude Aidan Lieb


How Do I Explain

I’m watching from a distance as he jumps up and down with excitement awaiting his turn to dive. He’s completely focused on expressing his excitement, he doesn’t realize he’s disturbing the kids around him and he doesn’t hear the coach right away when she asks him to stop. On occasion I try to intervene and…

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The Challenges of Parenting a Child with a High IQ

Since I started homeschooling Jude I’ve been observing his educational development. As we entered into this homeschool thing I didn’t have much understanding as to where he stood educationally. I didn’t know what he knew or how he learned. After his full psychological evaluation we learned that he has an above average IQ but not…


An Update On Jude

Tomorrow we finally have an appointment with a child psychologist to discuss a full evaluation for Jude. A few weeks ago we learned the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist after our health insurance mistakenly set us up with a child psychiatrist who just prescribes medication and doesn’t offer any evaluation. You live and…


The Biggest Challenge of Parenting a Child with Special Needs

I’ve previously discussed some of the challenges we’ve faced with parenting Jude. Parenting any child has it’s challenges but parenting a child with special needs can be extremely tough especially when those needs aren’t obvious to the typical bystander. Let me elaborate. Jude started at a new school this year, a school which we were…

First Grade

Jude starts his official first day of 1st grade on Tuesday. Last week he had a few “transition days” which help new students get acclimated to the classroom environment (he attends a small private school). I’m really excited for the start of the school year. Not because I want to push him out of the…