Free Disney World Itinerary Template
Whether planning your first trip to Disney World or needing new inspiration for a returning trip, our itinerary template will help you find the best attractions, food, and activities in all four Disney World parks.
Easily plan your day to all 4 Parks
Magic Kingdom
Hollywood Studios
Animal Kingdom
Get this itinerary template for free!
Will this itinerary fit my family?
Our itinerary is designed to be flexible to fit your family’s needs. A strategy tailored to your family can save you time and money and ensure everyone has a fantastic vacation.
The template includes a checklist so you don’t miss any important steps when planning your trip.
blank itinerary
This easy-to-use spreadsheet is already formatted, so all you need to do is input your information. You can add or remove days depending on the length of your trip.
sample itinerary
Use this sample itinerary to reference how you may want to plan your trip.
What if you could…
What if you could have a laid-back family vacation to Disney World yet still get everything on your must-do list accomplished?
Learn about Genie+ and Lightning Lanes, take advantage of Early Entry, and know which restaurants to book and when. Our easy-to-use itinerary template will help you create a framework for the perfect Disney vacation.
Vacation Planner
Researching and planning your Disney vacation is a full-time job. We recommend using a free vacation planner like Jessica Lieb with ET Family Travel. Using a travel agent can save you time and money and make your trip all the less stressful when planning your Disney vacation.

Here is what you get:

meet jessica
Jessica is a travel planner with ET Family Travel who helps families plan stress-free vacations. She now shares her knowledge on family travel, organization, and Disney World. Jessica loves helping families find unique and fun ways to connect.
Jessica’s passion is to help people make the most of their vacation and experience the magic of Disney World.
Free Disney Itinerary
Use this uniquely designed sample itinerary to plan your next Disney vacation.