He Takes Care of Us

Joe and I are really trying to be responsible with our money, the little that we have. So sometimes I think we need to cut back on certain thing that we previously said were important. Such as eating healthy foods, routine doctor visits, etc… Joe reminds me that by cutting those things out we risk…

God’s Provision

In Home Group on Monday we were talking about how as Christian friends we don’t talk about God enough in our everyday life. Well God has certainly been working in the life of the Liebs. So I wanted to share a few of the blessings God has brought us this week. We’ve been trying to…


So yeah I know it’s not for another month but Andrea and I were talking about the holidays today and I was thinking about all the holiday foods I DON’T like. I don’t like turkey, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, or pumpkin pie. Basically your traditional Thanksgiving dinner. However, if it…

Saturdays are Back

For several months Joe was working a Tuesday through Saturday schedule but this past week he was switched back to the typical Monday through Friday schedule. So yesterday we had our first free Saturday together as a family… and it was nice. There’s just something about a Saturday, everything seems a little bit slower. Even…