The Sleeping Lieb

During our trip to Wisconsin for DJ and Zoya’s wedding I was reminded of the day after our wedding…. Here is Joe sleeping in the hotel the day after our wedding…. Here is Joe sleeping in the hotel the day after DJ and Zoya’s wedding…. with one small addition!


6 Weeks and Growing

Today Jude had his 6 week follow-up appointment with our midwife. He passed his hearing tests! (First test woo hoo!) and he weighs 13lbs 4oz. (my chunky hunk!) Tomorrow we leave for DJ and Zoya’s wedding in Wisconsin. It will be Jude’s first major trip and first time on a plane. Hopefully everything will go…


What a Wednesday

Yesterday Jude and I decided to get out and go to the mall… mainly to pick up a wedding gift and get some lunch. After we ate, walked around a bit and bought the wedding gift we headed to the car. The sky looked dark with rain clouds so we thought we should head home….


he’s so smart

so i’ve seen these shows on tv while breastfeeding about women having multiples…. I cannot image what that would be like… one is challenging enough. I can’t imagine trying to breastfeed twins… I’m guessing breastfeeding anymore is next to impossible. jude has hit a few rough patches along the way but seems to be adjusting…