Wardrobe Remix
Sleepy Style Shirt – Darth Vader Tee – Junk Food Ts (Gift from Sharon) Pants – Green from Target Socks – Heart Mom – Target
Jude loves his Great-Mema. They hung out together on Thanksgiving. And he wished her a Happy 80th Birthday! Ella hiding for the big surprise SURPRISE! The Saturday after Thanksgiving the family threw Mema a surprise birthday party. It was alot of fun and I think she was surprised. Dad and I worked on a special…
Jude constantly gets comments about how alert and attentive he is for his age. I just figured all 4 month old’s could almost sit up on their own, love taking off their socks to eat their feet and laugh in anticipation of the tummy claw! Ironically most of the time people make this comment he’s…