
Week of Meals

Meals for the Week of: 10/13 – 10/17 Monday Lunch – Grilled Cheese, Avocado and Tomato Dinner – HG Potluck – Salad with Apples and Crasins (Andrea’s Alfredo Pasta with Broccoli & Tomato, Jane’s Rice, Bonchak’s Pigs in a Blanket, Kiona’s Sweet Potato Wedges, Liz’s Nachos, Farmer’s Homemade Salsa and Chips, Kelly’s Spice Cake, Seth’s…

God’s Provision

In Home Group on Monday we were talking about how as Christian friends we don’t talk about God enough in our everyday life. Well God has certainly been working in the life of the Liebs. So I wanted to share a few of the blessings God has brought us this week. We’ve been trying to…

WE3Liebs love food

So this week Joe has come home for lunch every day and I’ve made something different for lunch each day. It is part of our effort to save $. It’s hard to come up with nutritious diverse meals for lunch and dinner… but I accept the challenge. Here is what we’ve had for dinner and…


So yeah I know it’s not for another month but Andrea and I were talking about the holidays today and I was thinking about all the holiday foods I DON’T like. I don’t like turkey, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, or pumpkin pie. Basically your traditional Thanksgiving dinner. However, if it…

Saturdays are Back

For several months Joe was working a Tuesday through Saturday schedule but this past week he was switched back to the typical Monday through Friday schedule. So yesterday we had our first free Saturday together as a family… and it was nice. There’s just something about a Saturday, everything seems a little bit slower. Even…


Baby Dude

Our friend Paige blogged about the nicknames she has for her son Daniel. Before reading her blog I never realized how many different names we call Jude on a daily basis. He may never learn his real name with all the cutesie little nicknames we have for him… Baby Dude, BB, Monkey Doodle, Monkey, Doodle,…