WE3Liebs love food

So this week Joe has come home for lunch every day and I’ve made something different for lunch each day. It is part of our effort to save $. It’s hard to come up with nutritious diverse meals for lunch and dinner… but I accept the challenge.

Here is what we’ve had for dinner and lunch this week:

Lunch – Black bean and rice burritos (with cheese, avocado and tomato), corn chips
Dinner – HG Potluck (we brought Sauteed Chickpea and Zucchini)
[we also ate liz’s homemade pizza, andrea’s meatloaf, bonchak broccoli, jane’s tater tots, and kelly’s cookies. – we love HG potluck!]

Lunch – Grilled Cheese with Avocado and Tomato, chips
Dinner – Fried Orzo with vegetables and quorn

Lunch – PBJ and Mac n Cheese
Dinner – Stuffed Chicken (wild rice and cranberries), red potatoes and salad (lettuce, carrots, cucumber, apple, & crasins)

Lunch – Vegetable Soup and Salad (lettuce, carrots, cucumber, apple, & crasins)
Dinner – Burritos (black beans, corn, avocado, and cheese) and Chips

Lunch – Cheddar and Apple Sandwich and left over chickpeas salad.
Dinner – Homemade Pizza (pineapple, mandarin oranges, and tomato)

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