

I made my first trip to Harris Teeter this morning for Triple Coupons.I did pretty well, not as well as I thought I would do but still considerably well. Total Before Coupons: $54.38Total Spent: $22.90 Here’s what I got:1 can Betty Crocker Frostin2 cans Hunt’s diced tomatoes1 roll Viva Paper Towel1 jar Bertolli Pasta Sause1…

Election Re-cap.

It’s finally over. The pharmaceutical commercials are back, my mailbox is only filled with the regular junk mail and the yard signs are starting to come down. It’s been quite a year. Last night was also quite a night. Weather you were crying tears of joy or tears of despair it’s a night we will…

Happy Halloween

Halloween Pictures from the After Halloween Party at the Witchgers! Yo Gabba Gabba Family. Bleeker and BrobeeHappy Halloween Brobee and his beer…. root beer. DJ Lance Rock and BrobeeWerewolf Matt DJ Lance is ready to rock this party. To much awesomeness.

Fall Projects

Joe and I are a crafting duo. I’m learning alot of useful skills. Joe is teaching me how to knit. I’m currently working on a pair of longies for Jude. They are brown and blue striped. So far I’ve only finished the cuff of one leg but I can tell they are going to be…

Being Nice Pays…

Being Nice Pays…

We drink alot of Orange Juice around here, none of that “from concentrate stuff” only the best stuff from Florida. You know how I’m always looking for good deals and coupons right? Well I read somewhere that you can write to specific companies that sell a products you like and they might send you coupons….

He Takes Care of Us

Joe and I are really trying to be responsible with our money, the little that we have. So sometimes I think we need to cut back on certain thing that we previously said were important. Such as eating healthy foods, routine doctor visits, etc… Joe reminds me that by cutting those things out we risk…