Author: Jessica Lieb
Ziploc + Recyclebank Review + Giveaway
I try to be as earth-friendly as possible in my kitchen. I use reusable containers whenever possible but sometimes the only thing that works is a Ziploc bag. I used to feel like I was wasting bags and being unkind to the earth until I learned that I can actually recycle my used bags. (they…
What Do You Think? Siblings Attending Childbirth
Baby 2 is due in just a few short weeks! While we have planned for my parents to watch after Jude while I’m busy birthing this baby I’ve been thinking about how Jude will react to the whole thing. I’ve read a couple books recently that talk about siblings being present for the birth. I…
I graduated! – 10 years ago
I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since I graduated from college… And 13 years since I graduated from high school… Graduation from college, high school and even preschool are all momentous occasions for a child. (wish I had a picture from my preschool graduation to put here… it would be funny and cute!)…
Episencial Sunny Sunscreen Kit Review + Giveaway
Here in North Carolina there is no doubt that spring is here. We are spending as much time outside as possible before it gets too unbearably hot. Even though the weather isn’t too warm we still have to take precautions and protect our skin when we are outside. I really like the Episencial Sunny Sunscreen…
Kim + Scott’s Gourmet Pretzels Review + Giveaway
I’ve always been a fan of soft pretzels but it wasn’t until recently that I tried a gourmet soft pretzel. To be honest I didn’t even know there was such a thing. Joe, however, was super excited about reviewing Kim and Scott’s Gourmet Pretzels. He’d had them before and thinks they are just awesome. The…
Capture the Everyday: His Favorite Place to Play
I’d like to say Jude’s favorite room in our new house was his awesome new playroom but currently he is really loving our screened in porch. I have to admit I am in love with it too. We can play outside, get dirty and wet without worry of bugs attacking us or sunburned. He currently…
Dora the Explorer Magazine Review
Just this past year Jude discovered Dora the Explorer and like most toddlers he was hooked immediately. While I thought I wouldn’t be one of those moms that gave in to the pressure of all things Dora I was very surprised at how quickly he took to the show. He likes Dora but isn’t obsessed…
You think you have it rough? My life is worse than yours.
“You think you have it rough? My life is worse than yours.“ Essentially, that’s what comes out of the mouths of some mothers as I vent about the struggles of motherhood. Jude and his cousin Lily dancing in front of the fan. Jude is the the quintessential “spirited” child. He’s always been very active and…
2B Mom: Glamourmom Review + Giveaway
The first few weeks of nursing Jude was a lot more work than I ever imagined. I thought nursing my baby would be natural for both me and the baby. Boy was I wrong. We had latching problems, milk supply issues, mastitis and just a lot of general pain. But with the advice of some…
2B Mom SwaddleDesigns Swaddle Duo Review + Giveaway
Shopping for a baby due mid-spring is sometimes a challenge. In North Carolina the weather is very temperamental and can change from extremely hot to freezing all in the same week. I don’t know if I should buy warmer clothes or cooler clothes for the baby. But now SwaddleDesigns offers a new set the SwaddleDuo….