The Calm After the Storm

It all started last Sunday. We were on our way back home from Charleston, SC driving 35 mph in the pouring rain down I-95 with our windows cracked because the AC in our van went out that morning. I was so anxious to be home and to have “normal” week, with the exception of dishing out some serious cash to fix the van’s AC. (God totally blessed us and we were able to get it fix for a fourth of the cost quoted to us in SC!) But this week was anything but “normal”. 
First there was the bizarre east coast earthquake. I was home alone with two fussy children when a I heard low pitch hum and the house began to shake. I was confused as to what was going on but I knew something wasn’t right so I quickly gathered the boys until it stopped. I thought, “Is this an earthquake, no way could that be an earthquake, it’s probably a bunch of low flying helicopters passing by.” But Twitter quickly confirmed it was indeed an earthquake. (Thanks Twitter friends for being more awesome than the news.)

After the media buzz about the earthquake died down everyone refocused on Hurricane Irene. I didn’t drown myself in the news because I knew it would produce unnecessary worry but I was constantly aware of the storm and took precautions to keep our family safe. Luckily, here in Raleigh, we didn’t see much impact from the storm. We didn’t have any trouble at our house and it actually turned out to be a peaceful and relaxing day at home with my boys. We even had some friend come over for dinner. (I made some awesome Cuban food.)

Today we took it easy, recovered from the crazy week and just enjoyed the day. I finally went to the gym for the first time since Noah was born. It felt good. I’m ready to get back into the habit of working out and to finally lose this baby weight. We spent the evening eating, playing at the park and just enjoying life and giving thanks for all that God has provided us.

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