Scheduling a Sitter is Easy with SitterScout

Joe and I try to go on a date about once a month but finding a sitter that is available when we want to go out can be a challenge. We have a handful of sitters that we use and Joe is usually the one that schedules the sitters. He usually texts or emails different people to see who is available and it can be very time consuming and a bit of a hassle.

SitterScout is a great site that helps you manage and schedule your babysitters. It’s not a babysitter recruitment site but rather an organizational tool that makes scheduling your already trusted babysitters easy. It’s a very simple site to use which is what makes it so great. SitterScout is an online/mobile tool that works from any smartphone (or on your computer) to help book your existing babysitters faster. 

First, set up your account. It’s super simple! Then enter your sitters’ information and choose which sitters to contact when you need one. You set up a job with all of the details of your request that then gets sent out to the sitters you select, you can even choose to invite sitters in rounds. 

SitterScout will contact the selected babysitters via text or email and they can reply back with a simple text message to accept or decline your offer. 

When a sitter accepts you immediately get a text message.

The main thing I love about SitterScout is that part of their philosophy is to help parents recharge their batteries. It’s so easy to get caught up all the business of taking care of your family it’s easy to forget to take time for yourself, especially if it requires a great deal of work to find a sitter. SitterScout makes it so simple, there really is no excuse to NOT take a little time out for yourself.

I also really like that SitterScout utilizes modern technology. It’s free, easy to use and accessible even via smartphone. What could be simpler?

This post Splash Creative Media campaign on behalf of The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influence by the company.

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