
More NC Snow

I’ve lived in North Carolina most of my life and I’m pretty sure this is the most snow we’ve seen… ever. We are usually lucky if we see 1/2 inch of snow the whole year but this year alone we’ve already seen over 10 (total) inches of snow. That’s pretty impressive for this southern state….


Snow Day

We spent all morning playing in the snow, baking, eating and playing in the warmth of our living room. It’s been a wonderful snow day thus far. The little ones are down for their afternoon naps and Joe is playing video games with Jude. I just finished cleaning up the lunch mess and moving around…

Dating my husband

Being a stay-at-home mom to 3 busy little boys can be down right exhausting at times. There are moments when I just want to run out the door and aimlessly wander the aisles of Target. I’m always sneaking little moments away from everyone and everything in an attempt to regroup. I long to be alone…