Goodbye Breastfeeding

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I have been fortunate enough to breastfeed all 3 of my boys for at least 12months. I did child-led weaning for all of them and at 15 months old Simon is done with breastfeeding. I’m sad that our breastfeeding relationship is over, especially since he is probably the last baby, however, I’m slightly excited about the freedom that comes with no longer breastfeeding. Not just the freedom is gives me but more importantly what this big transition means for Simon’s independence.

He’s growing so quickly. For instance now he’s a climber…

Simon climbAs I watch my boys reach new milestones I’m riddled with conflicting emotions. I love see the joy on their faces as they finally accomplish new tasks but it also means they are getting older and my sweet little babies are becoming big, independent boys.

fullsimonAt 15 months old Simon has decided he’s ready to join the big boys, even though I don’t totally agree that my baby is a big boy yet.

I’ve had my fair share of breastfeeding struggles but Simon was the easiest baby to nurse. I was elated when he immediately latched on after birth. Breastfeeding has been such a calming and beautiful journey and I’m sad to see this time come to and end.

I love you sweet little Simon boy.



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