More NC Snow

I’ve lived in North Carolina most of my life and I’m pretty sure this is the most snow we’ve seen… ever. We are usually lucky if we see 1/2 inch of snow the whole year but this year alone we’ve already seen over 10 (total) inches of snow. That’s pretty impressive for this southern state.

We are trying to make the most of our snow days. Jude goes to a small private school that thankfully doesn’t have Saturday make-up days so we look forward to days off. The little ones don’t really know what’s going on but they enjoy having big brother around. Joe’s job allows him to telecommute which is both a blessing and a curse. It’s great that he can work and still be available when we need him but it also means he has to do work on snow days.

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Photo Feb 12, 1 37 04 PMI’m trying to enjoy most of the snow from the warmth and comfort of my home. The kids are begging to go out, maybe Joe can take a break from work. In the meantime maybe we’ll just eat a lot of snow cones.

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