Plans Change



The weather is pretty gorgeous here today in North Carolina (However there is impending cold heading our way tomorrow) but our little family has finally caught the stomach bug. It started early in the morning on Wednesday when Noah started throwing up. Everyone in our house has had (or still has) some level of stomach troubles for the past 4 days.

We had a nice, relaxing long weekend planned but that all flew out the window when the stomach bug arrived. I bought tickets for Joe and Jude to attend the Lego Kidfest here in Raleigh on Friday evening and of course Jude threw up… in the car… on the way there. Luckily he didn’t know where we were going so he wasn’t disappointed and we were able to give the tickets to friends. Joe and I were both pretty bummed he didn’t get to go because he has such a love for all things Legos that I know he would have totally loved it. It actually makes me sad to see all of our friends posting their pictures from the Lego Kidfest. I’m not upset that we spent money on tickets and didn’t get to go, I’m sad that I didn’t get to see his face light up as he enter a world completely made of all things Lego. But life happens, kids get sick and plans change.

I know there will be more opportunities to take the kids to fun events and hopefully the Lego Kidfest will come back to Raleigh next year, but there’s just something amazing about giving your kids something you know they will absolutely love.

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