First Grade

Jude starts his official first day of 1st grade on Tuesday. Last week he had a few “transition days” which help new students get acclimated to the classroom environment (he attends a small private school).


I’m really excited for the start of the school year. Not because I want to push him out of the house for a calmer environment because I really do love our summer adventures together but because I think he going to thrive and do well at his new school. (Although I frequently blog about my children I prefer to not share the name of the school they attend for safety reasons. If you are local and are interested in your child attending a small private Christian school that implements both Montessori and classical education shoot me an email and we can talk.)

As I’ve mentioned before Jude is a very active child and has sensory seeking SPD. After talking with his previous teachers, friends and doctors we all agree that this new school will be a wonderful fit for him. And even after the 2 short transition days he has already shown great improvement with his actions at home and success in the new school environment.

Sending him to this school is a big financial sacrifice for us but it’s amazing to see what kind of sacrifices you are willing to make when it comes to the success and happiness of your children. He is an extremely bright little boy and I know he will accomplish great things and I can’t wait to see what this school year brings.

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