Free Sight Word Bingo Game for Early Readers

This free printable sight word bingo game is great for children learning to read. Teaching children to read can be tedious, but using games makes it more fun for everyone.
The game includes 10 different bingo cards to practice many other words. It also makes it ideal to play with friends; each person can have a unique bingo card. Word cards are included with the download and are great for beginner readers who still need to associate the visual word with the audible word. More advanced game players may choose not to use the word cards.
You may use any small marker as Bingo chips. You can use cut-out construction paper circles, small toys, or stickers as chips.
How to Play Sight Word Bingo
- Give each player their own unique Bingo card.
- A parent or teacher will call out a word from the Sight Word Cards. You may also show the children the sight word card so they can find a possible match on their Bingo card.
- If a child has a matching word on their card, they cover it with a Bingo chip.
- The star in the center of the page is a free spot.
- The first player to 5 correct words in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) will call out Bingo and win.
Tips for Teaching Sight Words
There are many ways to help children learn sight words; these are just a few.
- EXPOSURE – Read to your children often. Reading to children has many benefits, including exposing them to sight words. When you are reading, take the time to point out sight words. Also, point out sight words when you are out of the house. This will help children learn to look for and recognize words in the world around them.
- PLAY GAMES – Play sight word games like Sight Word Bingo to make learning fun. You can use sight word cards to play a matching game, memory, or go fish. Children love playing games and learn through play.
- READ – Choose simple sight word books to increase exposure to children. After reading the books to them, encourage the child to read some of the words independently. Children should be able to read words easily and will be encouraged by their success.
- WRITE – Write sight words everywhere. Write sight words when you are playing with sidewalk chalk, painting, or playing with play dough. The more you can incorporate learning into daily activities, the easier it will be for children to recognize words. Also, making reading a hands-on learning experience is beneficial for some children.
- KEEP IT SIMPLE – Don’t push sight words too hard. Children learn at their own pace. Start with simple, high-frequency words like I, a, it, is, and in. Some of these can be tricky as they look similar, so highlight the differences. Make sight word learning fun and simple; kids will learn if you are consistent.
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