My Verse – FREE Desktop Wallpaper


proverbs 3:3

There are a handful of Bible verses that I have memorized. Some just from constant exposure growing up in the church (John 3:16) but some are verses that have really impacted my life and just stuck with me.

When I was in junior high a friend gave me a card and on the bottom of the card was written the reference to a verse in Proverbs.

Proverbs 3:3
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.

For whatever reason at that point in my life (I was probably about 13 years old) I mulled over that verse for weeks. I didn’t fully understand it so I read it over and over and over. I tried to visual what binding love and faithfulness around my heart would look like. What did it mean to write them on the tablet of my heart?

I studied the whole chapter looking for clues and I learned that love and faithfulness (or sometimes translated truth and mercy) are two important strengths of character. Binding them around my neck and writing them on my heart means they become a part of who I am. Engraving love and faithfulness into my everything so deeply on the inside that they dictate my outward actions.

Joe and I decided to use Proverbs 3:3 as the main scripture at our wedding because we wanted love and faithfulness to be something that changed US instead of us constantly struggling to show love and be faithful in our own strength. We want an inward change that can’t help but overflow out of us.

20 some years later and I always come back to this verse. It’s constantly propelling me to dig deeper into Truth. And as many times as I’ve read this verse it’s still fresh and alive each time I read it.

So I decided to create a wallpaper for my computer, where I spend a lot of time, so I can be constantly reminded to let love and faithfulness lead me.


Download Proverbs 3:3 Desktop Wallpaper (1920 x 1200)

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