Whole30 – Day 6

Yesterday I did all of my shopping and meal planning for week 2. I found this really cute meal planner pad in the $1 bin at Target.

meal plannerBreakfast: Fried Egg with Roasted Red Pepper & Chorizo

Fried Egg & ChorizoJoe isn’t a big fan of sausage but he liked the chorizo. We both found it a little too spicy for breakfast but that didn’t stop us from eating it! I also added a little left over roasted red pepper to my fried egg, yum.

Lunch: Leftover burgers & Salad

Bun-less BurgersDinner: Pecan Crusted Chicken & Peas

Pecan Crusted ChickenThe Pecan Crusted Chicken was awesome! I know, I know peas are a legume but I don’t think of them that way since they are green, plus they taste good.

We bought some new snacks this week including some nuts from whole foods as well as a fun trail mix. We usually snack in the afternoon, especially while preparing dinner. In the evenings, instead of having a sugary snack I’ve come to crave a cup of warm tea, pomegranate green tea is my favorite. (No sugar added)

Week one went rather well. I’ve lost 5 lbs, have more energy and don’t feel hungry all the time.

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