Paleo30 Day6


Monday started EARLY. Joe got up at 5 something and his alarm clock woke me up therefore I was also up at 5 something. Most the day I walked around in a half awake fog but I still managed to eat pretty well.

For breakfast I had an apricot paleo power bar, banana and green tea. Since Joe left before the boys were awake I did the whole morning routine on my own and somehow we were early?!

After dropping Jude off at school the little boys and I came home for a relaxing morning.

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 8.58.30 AMI ate an early lunch of tuna, avocado, pecans and apple… it was pretty delicious. Then Joe came home from work early which allowed me to pick Jude up from school without having to drag the little ones out in the cold again…. and Noah went down for his nap early. He’s always more pleasant to be around when he takes an earlier nap.

The afternoon was filled with playing and chores. Joe wasn’t feeling well but was officially working from home so he barricaded himself upstairs in the office so he could be somewhat productive.

For dinner I made Sweet Potato and Leek soup. To be honest I was very skeptical about it. I thought it might not taste good and it wouldn’t be filling. Plus I was really craving pizza. Luckily, I was wrong and I loved it. Joe wasn’t too keen on the blended method so next time I make it I might do half and half.

We ate an early dinner so we played Just Dance with the boys until bedtime. After bed Joe and I ate homemade sweet potato chips and watched Wolverine.

One thing I really like about eating paleo and doing our 30 day challenge is I have to get creative and try new foods. I have discovered I like so many new foods because of these challenges. I still don’t like beets but I’m always open to trying new foods.

Follow our Paleo30 2014 Challenge

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