Whole30 – Day 3 What We Ate

The sugar cravings hit hard on day 3. I stayed strong and didn’t give in, instead I filled the cravings with healthier options.

Breakfast: Avocado Egg & Sweet Potato, Bacon HashAvocadoEgg

This breakfast was amazing, even though the avocado egg didn’t turn out exactly like I’d planned. The Egg was supposed to completely cook in the avocado but apparently my avocado was too small or my egg was too big. Either way avocado and egg are awesome together. The night before I cut up some extra sweet potato so all I had to do was dice an onion and cook everything in a pan.

Lunch: Avocado Chicken Salad, Carrots, Tomato & Kiwi


A pretty simple lunch. I used the rest of the rotisserie chicken to make some avocado chicken salad and added a few  veggies and fruit on the side. The boys loved this lunch.

Dinner: Vegan Sex


Some people would argue that this isn’t a real paleo meal since it contains quinoa but I think it’s pretty darn close. Vegan Sex is a popular appetizer at a local restaurant, Irregardless, where Joe and I took a cooking class. I will share the recipe in another post soon.

I had an evening snack of apple slices with almond butter and some hot green tea.

Overall it was a pretty good day, I can already feel the difference from eating clean. I have more energy and haven’t had any headaches.

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