Protect Your Baby From RSV

Before I had a baby I always thought it was a little weird when people would ask me to wash my hands before I held their newborn. However, now that I am a mom and understand that a baby’s immune system is fragile I totally get it. In fact, I bought a special sign to attach to Noah’s baby carrier that informed people, very nicely, that is was NOT OK to touch my baby. 
Infants are very susceptible to infection in the early weeks, especially if they are born early. Something as simple as a common cold can be dangerous. One of the biggest threats to newborns is a common virus called respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. RSV is very common in fact, almost all children will contract it before their second birthday. However, in older children RSV has symptom that are similar to the common cold or flu and most parents don’t even realize their child has the virus. But in young babies, especially those with under developed lungs and immature immune systems RSV can lead to serious respiratory infection.

So How Do You Prevent Your Newborn From RSV?
Be cautious about exposing your baby to new visitors. Give your baby plenty of time to build up his/her immune system and don’t feel bad about asking visitors to wash their hands before touching your baby. Ask that friends wait to visit if they are sick of have recently been exposed to illness.
If you don’t have a newborn you are sure to encounter someone who does eventually.
Here are a few helpful tips to remember when a loved one has a new baby:
  • Call before you visit. New parents need time to set up a routine and bond. By giving them time to do so before you visit, you are respecting the new family.
  • Postpone a visit if you feel that you may be getting sick, have recently been ill or exposed to illness.
  • Remember that parents know best. If you feel they are being overprotective or overly cautious, just consider that only they know what’s best for the health of their new son or daughter.
  • Offer to do something to ease their responsibilities as they spend time as a family, such as laundry, cooking or dishes. Sleep-deprived moms an dads will appreciate your help!
  • Wash your hands frequently – upon entering the home and especially prior to holding the baby.
  • Leave toddlers at home, especially during the winter months. Young children, especially if they attend daycare or preschool, often carry germs and viruses, like RSV, that are easily spread.

Learn more about RSV at

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and received promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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