What I Would Put on My Baby Registry Now
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I loved putting together my baby registry. There are so many cute things for baby and so many options. A lot of things have changed since I had my first child over 10 years ago and I’ve also learned a lot after having 4 kids. Previously, I put together a list of my Baby Registry Must-Haves and those are the items I think everyone needs. This list is a comprehensive list of what you need, plus things that just make life easier or are just plain fun. (Sometimes, we have to buy things that just make us happy.)
A lot of these items can be found on Amazon. I love Amazon because I can order just about anything with Amazon Prime and it’s on my doorstep in 2-days. But did you know that Amazon has a great baby registry? It’s a great way for family and friends to easily purchase gifts for baby. In addition to all of the great baby products offered on Amazon you can add any item to your registry, even if it’s not offered on Amazon. PLUS you get a 15% discount when you buy any of the items from your registry. The Amazon Baby Registry has the largest selection of baby items, easy 90-day returns and extra benefits if you are a prime member.
This is pretty much everything you might need for baby…
Bassinet – Arms Reach Co-Sleeper Bassinet is great for keeping baby close for all of those late-night feedings.
Crib – Baby needs a place to sleep and a safe crib is essential. This crib is the best reviewed and was rated the 2018 Mom’s Pick on Amazon. You’ll also need a crib mattress.
Miracle Blanket Swaddle – This swaddle blanket can work miracles. It helps keep baby wrapped and cozy all night long.
Swaddling Blankets – I swear by Aden and Anais Swaddling Blankets. They are the perfect size, made from a soft material and come in cute designs.
Halo Sleep Sack – When baby get a little bit older and outgrows the swaddle sleeps sacks are great for keeping baby warm all night long.
Owlet Baby Monitor – I so wish they had this when my boys were babies. Any parent of a newborn will tell you they are constantly worried about the well-being of their sleeping baby. The Owlet is worn by your baby like a little sock and is linked to our phone so you can monitor your baby’s heart rate and oxygen.
Video Monitor – I loved my video monitor and used it until my boys were in preschool. It gives you peace of mind being able to check in on your baby without worrying about waking them up.
Mamaroo – I had one of the first generations of the Mamaroo and it was such a life changers. All of my boys loved sleeping in the Mamaroo. Read my review here.
Bouncy Seat – I had one child that LOVED the Fisher-Price bouncer. We had the Snugbunny but it looks very similar to the SungaPuppy. Read my review here.
White Noise Machine – Help create a calm and soothing room for baby to sleep, plus it’s a super cute owl.
Pacifier – This one can be tricky. My boys all like different types of pacifiers so you have to find one that your child likes. We primarily used MAM pacifiers but also liked NUK.
Nursing Pillow – I’ve use both the Boppy and My BrestFriend nursing pillows and I love them both.
Breast Pump – I swear by the Medela electric breast pump. You can read about my breastfeeding struggles here and how pumping helped. If you plan on pumping may I recommend extra pumping bottles, breast milk storage bags and Hands free pumping bra.
Bottles – Bottles are another thing babies can get picky about. I’ve used several different brands and each baby had their own preferences. The Medela bottles work well but I’d also recommend Comotomo bottles.
Nursing Cover – I used a nursing cover with my first 2 babies but then lost all inhibitions (and patience) at baby 3. But if you’d like to use a nursing cover check out Milk Snob as it doubles as a car seat cover. I might also recommend the Undercover Mama, you can read my review here.
High Chair – I’m fond of a versatile high chair that grows with your child which is why I recommend the Keekaroo High Chair. You can read my review here.
Bibs – For breastfed or bottle fed babies I recommend drool bibs like these bandana bibs. When babies start to eat solid food easy to wipe clean bibs are where it’s at.
Diaper Bag – I prefer a backpack like the Parker Baby. Either way, I recommend something that will easily attach to your stroller and isn’t too big.
Changing Pads – If you have a changing table you’ll need a changing pad and cover. You will also want a portable changing pad so you can easily change diapers anywhere.
Cloth Diapers – I used a combination of both cloth and disposable diapers over the years. There are tons of options when it comes to cloth diapering prefolds (these make great burb cloths), Pocket Diapers, All-In-Ones, Hybrids, and more.
Disposable Diapers – I 100% prefer Pampers over other diapers, and I’ve used most of the brands.
Get a 15% discount when you buy any of the items from your Amazon Baby Registry.
Wipes – I prefer Huggies wipes.
Diaper Rash Ointment – Boudreaux’s Butt Paste is legit.
Diaper Pail – No one wants to smell the stinky diapers, get a diaper pail.
Wet Bag – If you choose to cloth diaper you will need a large wet bag and a travel wet bag. Even if you don’t cloth diaper it’s always nice to have a travel wet bag in your diaper bag for dirty clothes.
Sink Insert – We loved our Puj tub but I’ve also heard great things about the Blooming Lotus.
Baby Tub – The sink insert only lasts for a few months and then you’ll probably want a larger tub.
Baby Soap – I’m a big fan of Burt’s Bees Baby and Babyganics.
Hooded Towel – Don’t buy the baby wash cloths or the baby robe but do buy a hooded baby towel.
Infant Car Seat – My top 2 choices for Infant Car Seats are Graco SnugRide and Britax Car Seat.
Convertible Car Seat – Eventually baby will outgrow the infant car seat so the next step is a convertible car seat. I recommend the Diono Radian or the Britax.
Stroller – I’ve owned probably 6 strollers and they’ve all had their pros and cons. A versatile stroller is ideal, something that allows you to snap on the infant car seat like the Britax Travel System. A jogging stroller is nice if you are active. An umbrella stroller is great for travel or when babies get older.
Pack-n-Play – A good play yard is great for a safe place for baby to play, sleep when traveling and can double as a bassinet.
Baby Carrier – I love baby wearing and high recommend getting a structured carrier like the Ergo Baby Carrier.
Baby Wrap – I’m also a fan of baby wraps, they are great for newborns.
Onesies – simple onesies and body suits are great for little ones. They will go through a ton so buy lots of them.
Hats + Mittens – Help keep their little heads warm and avoid scratchy finger nails.
Socks + Booties – Socks keep their feet warm but tend to fall off, booties are where it’s at.
Footie Pajamas – Get zippered not button footie pajamas, no one wants to deal with all those snaps when you’re changing a diaper at 3am.
Teether – Everyone loves Sophie the Giraffe, but don’t forget about Silicone teethers.
Activity Gym – Two of my favorites are the Skip Hop Baby Treetop Friends and this Activity Mat.
Rattle – My boys loved a good baby rattle or two.
Board Books – Reading to your baby is the best. We have so many great board books but we love anything by Sandra Boynton. These cloth books are also great for babies.
Musical Toys – Musical toys can entertain baby for a long time.
Stuffed Animal – I love Taggies and so did my babies.
What is on your baby registry?
Amazon’s registry is so easy. You can add anything, even if it’s not on Amazon, to your registry. Also, you get 15% off everything that’s left on your baby registry. Create your registry today by clicking on the image below.
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