My Dog
My Silly Puddy!
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Today is the first official day of track out. The boys attend a year-round school and I really like it. In October we get 3 weeks off and it’s the perfect time to plan some cool weather family activities. The few weeks leading up to track out I make a track out bucket list. Last…
OK Noah prepare to be swaddled Step 1: Daddy lays out the swaddling blanket Step 2: Daddy adds a baby to the blanket Step 3: Daddy swaddles the baby Step 4: Daddy makes sure baby hands don’t escape the blanket Step 5: Daddy has successfully swaddled newborn Hooray for awesome Dads! PinShare
I’d like to say Jude’s favorite room in our new house was his awesome new playroom but currently he is really loving our screened in porch. I have to admit I am in love with it too. We can play outside, get dirty and wet without worry of bugs attacking us or sunburned. He currently…
So I haven’t been super great with my tot school schedule. We’ve been busy visiting friend and family and just on the go. We do some fun stuff at home but I usually forget to take pictures. But as you can see above we did have some fun with Spiderman stickers. PinShare
My poor Noah has had a rough few months. In July he had impetigo which as intially misdiagnosed at the chickenpox. Then in August Noah broke his arm and most recently he had toxic transient synovitis. For the past week Noah would occasionally complain of pain in his upper leg hip area. He’d say, my…
Joe and I had only been dating for about a month when we both knew this was the real deal, love. While we hadn’t said those three big words there were actions that spoke louder than any words. It was Christmas time and I was on the search for a specific toy to give one…