Nesting Part 1

Yesterday I got busy nesting and got quite a bit done. There are still a few projects in the works but here’s a basic overview of busy little mama bee’s finished tasks yesterday.

1. Clipped Coupons and bought groceries.
2. Clean out my fridge, threw away some yucky stuff!
3. Framed art work… finally. Waiting for joe’s assistance with hanging them… he actually measures stuff.
4. We got our new table and chairs yesterday and assembled them last night…. breakfast nook almost finished. (unassembled table pictures… more to come soon.)

5. Finally set up crib (joe did this sunday night) and almost finished with guest/baby room. (more pictures of complete room to come)

Not bad for one day. Additionally, Joe and I went on a date last night to see Prince Caspian (with free movie tickets!). We’re trying to get our theater time in before baby Lieb comes and we have to limit our movie going for a time.

Hopefully we’ll finish all of our (mostly mine) projects before BL comes.

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