Kriss Kross will make you…
wear your clothes backward and think it’s cool…
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
So today Jude has his first trip to the doctor. We took him to a local homeopathic physician and I think it was a good experience. Jude is a perfectly healthy little boy! He’s gain a pound and grown and inch in the past 3 weeks. Apparently he’s in the 90th percentile for height and…
Joe playing RockBand at Thurston’s party while Jude sleeps. May with Jude Scott with Max PinShare
For some strange reason I started calling Jude, “Judeapotamus”. He has no hippo like qualities whatsoever. I guess it’s just one of those silly names that developed. I should probably stop calling him a hippo so he doesn’t have any self esteem issues later in life but it’s so darn cute and catchy. So catchy…
One way we saved a ton of money is by breastfeeding. (12 mos of BFing saves approximately $1,433) Jude has been breastfed for 14 months. My initial hope was to BF for 1 year and then consider weaning but now that we’re here it makes me sad to think of quitting. I’ll admit it was…
During my blog browsing I came across Toddler Awesome who was participating in Tot School. Since Jude is so active I never thought it would be possible to get Jude to participate in crafts and other learning activities so I never really tried. But with the help of Tot School I think I can find…