Wardrobe Remix
Sleepy Style
Shirt – Darth Vader Tee – Junk Food Ts (Gift from Sharon)
Pants – Green from Target
Socks – Heart Mom – Target
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
For months now Jude has been obsessed with tree houses. I’m not sure where the obsession started but every day he would ask, “Can we go to the wood store to buy wood and nails so I can build my tree house?” Then he would draw up plans with detailed instructions on how we were…
Jude lost his first tooth on Sunday afternoon. A few days prior he was trying to pry two pieces of Legos apart with his teeth, despite us repeatedly warning him to NOT put Lego pieces in his mouth. When suddenly his bottom tooth got wiggly. He ran to me very concerned that maybe he had…
My child is crazy and I love it. You seriously never know what to expect when he walks into the room. Today while I was playing on the floor with Noah, Jude walked into the room wearing only a pair of pajama pants. He needed my help turning the matching top right side out. After…
As typical of any baby people always ask, “Who does he look like?” I think he looks like Jude Aidan Lieb but that isn’t really the answer they are looking for. I know they want me to say, oh he looks just like Joe or just like me but it’s hard to tell. So I’ll…
Jude had his first ever swim meet on Tuesday night. Even though he can’t actually “swim” he is having so much fun. We signed him up for swim team because 1) he is very enthusiastic about swimming and 2) swim team registration was actually cheaper than swim lessons. It’s a neighborhood team (actually the same…
Spring is lurking at the door and if winter ever decides to go home we will be wearing sandals and sunhats in no time. But right now there is this in between weather where the days are long and sunny but the air is still cool and crisp. I don’t know how the weather is…