Vocabulary of a 1 year old.
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What a Year it has been
Last year I was knee deep in labor, quite literally.This year I’ll be knee deep in party decorations and cupcakes.This year sounds a bit more fun.But last year I will always remember.
There’s a Party In My Tummy for Jude Lieb!
I can’t believe the time has come to celebrate Jude’s first birthday!On Saturday, June 27th he turns 1 year old…. also we’re throwing him a killer party!Obviously it’s going to be Yo Gabba Gabba themed! So to all Jude friends… come party with us! To all Jude’s grandparents and other people that might want to…
In the Past Two Hours
Jude has kept me sufficiently busy this morning. Aside from the regular breakfast, poop, play-time and reading here are a few things he’s gotten into this morning. 1. he pull out a bunch of joe’s books and tried to bend the pages 2. he ate a cookie off the kitchen floor 3. he decided to…

Our trip to Charleston
This weekend we took a quick trip to Charleston to visit Joe’s grandparents. Joe’s grandfather recently had shoulder replacement surgery and has been in rehab for a few weeks so we thought now would be a good time to visit. Baby Jude can cheer anyone up! Speaking of Jude, he did wonderfully the whole trip….
Well Hello There 29
Yesterday I celebrated my 29th birthday. Since I got my big present on Saturday we kept it kind of low key for my actual birthday. During the day I hung out with Jude as usual. Then in the evening my parents came over and watched Jude so Joe and I could go out on a…
HERE COME THE 123s to Raleigh!
They Might Be Giants is coming to Raleigh!The Grammy award winning group will play two shows at The North Carolina Museum of Art on September 19. They will play a 4pm show for kids and an 8pm show for adults. Kids Show | 4 p.m.$18 ($15) General Admission$9 Children 3–12Children 2 and under free Adults…
Thoughts on Stretch Marks
I think pregnant bellies are beautiful and up until the last 2 months of my pregnancy I was the proud owner of cute baby bump. However, I think some time during the last two months Jude hit a major growth spurt and my skin couldn’t keep up. I applied all kinds of cocoa butter and…
Crib Update
So I think we did pretty well for our fist attempt at crib sleeping. Jude slept in his crib until about 2am when he got a bit fussy and Joe finally brought him in our room. When he laid Jude down next to me he was all cold. So I think one of our first…