

  I missed last Friday because we were on Vacation so a few of these images are from last week. All packed and ready to hit the road to Charleston, SC.  Watercolor Painting Project. Joe and Jude sharing an ice cream at Chick-Fil-A during our weekly lunch date with daddy.  Jude took a nap after…

PEEK at MY Desk

When I’m not caring for the kids, cleaning the house or running errands you will most likely find me at my desk. That’s where all the blog “magic” happens… and bill paying, and freelance work, and interneting.The desk was Joe’s old desk from his childhood. I have a great filing system set up thanks to Deborah…

HINT Water Review

The average person needs 1.9 (8 glasses) of water a day. However, pregnant women need 2.3 liters (10 glasses) of water a day and breastfeeding moms need 3.1 liters (13 glasses) of water a day. That’s a lot of water. With the crazy heat we’ve had this summer I’m sure I haven’t been drinking nearly…