Wordless Wednesday: Another Day Another Dollar
I know I already tweeted this picture but I just had to share it again in case you missed it.
The Year: 1999 The Place: Lakeland, Florida The Scene: A group of college sophomores set out for a fun evening of dancing at Bongos in Downtown Disney It was a beautiful fall evening in Florida and as we head toward my 95 Nissan Altima my friend Vasti asked if she could drive. I gladly handed…
Before I became a Stay at Home Mom I worked in various areas of the communication industry, from video product to graphic design. One thing I loved about working in the creative industry is the laid back atmosphere at the office. Sometimes business can get stuffy and impersonal but I find I do my best…
Yesterday Noah had a belly ache. I tried everything to soothe him. Nursing. Belly Rolls. Burping. Rocking. Swaying…. Nothing really seemed to help. The Joe came home. Joe has the magic touch. We like to call it flying baby. Whenever I try to do flying baby it doesn’t work. There’s something special about Joe’s flying…
I’ve recently read a lot of posts about “what blogging should be” and everyone has an opinion. You should write for you. You should write for money. You should write for a cause. Yadda, Yadda… Well, I think you can write about whatever you want for whomever you want. Its your blog, it should…
I like the feeling of freshly shaved legs but hate to shave. It’s time consuming and always awkward in the shower, especially our tiny stall shower. I am lucky just to get a shower most days much less shave my legs. However, now that I’ve been using the Schick Intuition razor I find it’s much…