How to Start A Blog

How to Start A Blog

I have been blogging for over 8 years. When I started my blog the blog-a-sphere was a very different place, things are constantly changing. I’ve experienced a lot of changes to my site and made many mistakes but I’ve also learned a great deal about blogging and social media through the process. My advice for…

I stood around for 3 hours to get my book signed… and I liked it.

I stood around for 3 hours to get my book signed… and I liked it.

I’m a picky reader. I often start books but don’t finish them because…. well honestly I think they suck. So when I find a book series or author that I really enjoy reading it’s kind of a miracle. After Simon was born I bought Jenny Lawson’s (The Bloggess) first book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened:…


5 Creative Photos for your Holiday Cards #HolidayCardPhotos

It’s that time of the year that I start panicking about Christmas gifts and cards and decorations and all that accompanies the Holiday season. However, of the last few years I’m learning that sometimes gift giving can be as simple as a picture. Photo Christmas cards are beloved by our family members, especially when they…

New Look

For months I’ve been wanting to redesign the site to a cleaner and more streamline design. This morning I just started messing with it and this is what I’ve come up with. I’m sad to see the illustration that was taken from my wedding invitations but it didn’t really fit with the feel I wanted….