Author: Jessica Lieb

Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.

Diaper Doodie

I thought I should give a cloth diaper update since I spent so much time researching cloth diaper options prior to Jude’s birth. We have been using cloth since about 3 weeks after Jude was born. I ended up with a combination of prefolds and covers and a few all-in-one diapers. I thought I would…

Bottle and Breast

Jude had his first full bottle last night. Yesterday, I pumped 3oz. of milk and stored it in the refrigerator. And last night after our dinner and a small feeding from me I handed a drowsy baby over to dad for the continuation of his meal. Joe had a little bit of difficulty holding Jude…

The Sleeping Lieb

During our trip to Wisconsin for DJ and Zoya’s wedding I was reminded of the day after our wedding…. Here is Joe sleeping in the hotel the day after our wedding…. Here is Joe sleeping in the hotel the day after DJ and Zoya’s wedding…. with one small addition!


6 Weeks and Growing

Today Jude had his 6 week follow-up appointment with our midwife. He passed his hearing tests! (First test woo hoo!) and he weighs 13lbs 4oz. (my chunky hunk!) Tomorrow we leave for DJ and Zoya’s wedding in Wisconsin. It will be Jude’s first major trip and first time on a plane. Hopefully everything will go…


What a Wednesday

Yesterday Jude and I decided to get out and go to the mall… mainly to pick up a wedding gift and get some lunch. After we ate, walked around a bit and bought the wedding gift we headed to the car. The sky looked dark with rain clouds so we thought we should head home….

Cloth Starts Now

Today is the day… we started using our cloth diaper. We naturally transitioned to cloth after we ran out of the disposables we were using. We are using basic prefolds and covers. My first diaper was a prefold set inside a cover with a liner over top. Now I’m trying a prefold pinned with a…