Whole30 Day 5

We are slowing falling back into the groove of eating paleo. My sugar cravings, while still present, have toned down a bit. I’m still breastfeeding so I am pretty ravenous and craving a lot of protein. I try to keep meat or nut snacks available for quick and healthy protein.

whole30 breakfast

Breakfast – Half a Grapefruit & left over rotisserie chicken


LunchQuick and Easy Paleo Lunch On-the-Go


Dinner – Grilled Ribs, Bacon Wrapped Okra & Oven Roasted Potatoes

Snacks – Apple, Nut Mix, Tea, Pepperoni

Instead of trying out others’ recipes we created a few of our own. I’ll post them soon, they are yum.

Yesterday we took the boys to Pullen Park for a few hours in the morning. I’m assuming that chasing them around for a few hours was enough exercise for the day. It probably wasn’t. I’m seriously working on fitting more exercise into my schedule.


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