Painting with Okra


Our weekly produce box arrived and in it I found okra, I’ve never cooked okra so I had not idea what to do with it.

I created a fun okra recipe which I will share with you later but I also used it during Jude’s craft time.

painting okra

Supplies needed

I first covered the table with newspaper/cut up brown paper bags. Even though the paint is washable it’s easier to just toss the dirty paper than wipe down the table.

painting okra2

We found that it’s easier to use a paintbrush to apply the paint rather than dipping in straight into the paint. It gets too gloppy if you dip hence losing the beautiful flower like pattern.

painting okra3


We had a lot of fun painting with okra. Jude was super excited when he discovered the floral pattern that it made. It was a fun way to explore nature together.

I received the paints from Rich Art and I got the okra from the weekly produce box I purchase from Lees Produce. The opinions expressed are my own and not influenced by anyone.

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