Whole3 – Day 13

Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous here in Raleigh. We spent the morning at the Farmer’s Market buying fresh fruits and veggies for this week’s meal plan. In the afternoon Jude and I played outside while the little boys napped. Then we all went to the YMCA and to the night service at church, it was pretty much a perfect day.

Breakfast: Scrambled Egg with Roasted Red Pepper and half a grapefruit

Scrambled Egg with Roasted Red Pepper

Lunch: Leftover Burgers with a side of Green Beans


Dinner: Pork Loin with Zucchini & Cauliflower

Pork LoinI was a little skeptical of the pork loin recipe. I cooked it in the slow cooker on high for 7 hours and the smell of the cauliflower was a little unpleasant but in the end it turned out pretty tasty.

Week 3 starts today and I’m trying out a few more new recipes. We’re learning a lot through this process and I’m anxious to see how we will feel at the end of the 30 days.

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