Super Why Live Review
I took Jude on a Mother/Son Date to see Super Why Live. Super Why is one of his favorite shows, he loves all things Super Why.
About Super Why
Super Why is an animated kids’ series on PBS Kids that aired from 2007 – 2016. The series follows the adventures of four characters: Whyatt Beanstalk, Red Riding Hood, Princess Pea, and Pig, who all have reading-related superpowers. They use their abilities to enter storybooks and solve problems by changing the ending of classic fairy tales.
Super Why aims to improve children’s literacy skills by teaching them to recognize letters, sounds, and words, and helping them understand basic sentence structure. The show also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Our Experience at Super Why Live
Before the show, we stopped to have dinner at Chick-fil-a. He was so excited to see Super Why Live that he didn’t finish his dinner.
The show was in downtown Raleigh at the Center for Performing Arts. Jude waited very patiently for the show to start.
He absolutely loved the show. He was beaming the entire time and singing along with the songs.
I was curious as to how they would bring the animated characters to life but they did a decent job. Obviously, the proportions of the animated kids were a little off when adult actors filled the role but I think otherwise it was very well represented.
My favorite part of the show was the aerial silk acrobat. I didn’t expect to see acrobatics as a part of the show.
After the show, we rounded out our evening with a stop at Krispy Kreme for a donut. Jude said they were “fun bagels!”
We stayed out a little later than usual but he did wonderfully and loved the one-on-one time we had together. So did I.
This morning at the breakfast table Jude told me that “Super Why Live was fantastic!” I think that pretty much sums up our evening.
I received the tickets to the featured event in exchange for my honest opinion, the comments expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.
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