A Week In My Life: Monday – Better Late Than Never

So I really wanted to do Adventuroo‘s A Week In My Life for Monday but it totally slipped my mind. But here is a quick recap-of Monday with the few pictures I did manage to take.
The boys both woke up around 7:30 am and after we ate breakfast, got dressed and cleaned the house a bit we headed to the YMCA so I could work out and the boys could play. I try to start the week by working out, it helps keep me motivate to finish strong.
After the Y we headed home for a lunch of left-over chili. Joe usually comes home for lunch which is super nice. It gives me a little break and lets Jude see his dada a little more.
After lunch Noah took a super long nap and I spent the day dancing between the stove and playing with Jude. I roasted sweet potatoes, roasted garlic for a salad dressing, made quinoa salad and painted with watercolors with Jude.
After Noah woke up we sat on the couch and watched a show, I folded laundry and we waited for Dad to come home. Joe was supposed to stop by the grocery store on they way home to pick up some avocados. Well around 6pm he called and said his car wouldn’t start, so I loaded up the boys and headed to the Food Lion. When I got there a kind gentleman, who just so happened to be an auto mechanic, gave Joe a jump. Once the car was up and running we went home to eat a rather late dinner. 
After dinner Joe gave Jude a bath and put him to bed while I got Noah to sleep. After the boys were in bed Joe went to the auto store to pick up a new battery. Well, that ordeal took the whole night and resulted in us having the wrong battery and the store being closed. So we called it a night.
I wish I had more pictures to show for this rather eventful day but it was kind of crazy and I just completely forgot.

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