Week In My Life: Tuesday 10.11.11

I’m participating in Adventuroo‘s A Week In My Life
Because of yesterday’s car debacle we were left stranded at home in the morning. This all seemed pretty good since it was icky and rainy out. I thought we could just lounge around the house in our PJ’s, watch TV and do a little clean. Uggg it was nothing like that.

It all started pretty normal. I got up right after Joe left for work, at 7:45 am. I took a shower. Right after I got out of the shower Jude woke up. I got us both dressed and into the kitchen for breakfast. I made him his usual, “cereal and cheerios and juice”. 



While he ate I unloaded the dishwasher and loaded the rest of last night’s dishes. Then I moved the laundry. (That’s pretty much my normal morning routine) Somewhere amidst my routine Noah woke up so he joined us in the kitchen.

After breakfast I turned on a show for Jude, he requested Shaun the Sheep. He’s pretty interactive with television. He usually stands up and dances or acts out the scenes with the characters. 

I watched while I fed Noah and then we retreated to the office so I could check a few emails. He laid on his play mat and started to drift off to sleep, so I took him to the bedroom. 

He fell asleep for about 20 minutes but was having some major gas. 🙁 However, while he was asleep I did manage to eat breakfast and do a Star Wars puzzle with Jude. When Noah woke up I was in the bathroom so Jude gave Noah a toy, “because Noah was sad.”

About the time I got him up Joe came home, 11am. Pretty early for his lunch but he had run to the auto store to return the wrong battery and came home to replace the battery so we would have a car to drive.

Jude then wanted to watch Star Wars Clone Wars which I turned on for a few minutes but it was more interested in playing light sabers with his inflatable sword.

After he left I made Jude, um I mean Spiderman lunch. He requested a turkey sandwich with tomatoes and raisins. He also wanted to eat at the coffee table.

While Jude ate I fed Noah again and got him to sleep. That nap lasted about 30 minutes, just enough time for me to make lunch but not eat it. 

Jude happily played in his playroom while I tried to console the sleepy/tired baby. Then I ate my lunch and played a new color game with Jude. Then Noah woke up AGAIN. 

I turned on Sid the Science Kid for Jude and spent a little more time feeding and helping Noah work out his gases. I laid him on my bed while I put on some real clothes, up until this point I’d been wearing sweat pants. I briefly left the room and he fell asleep, so I left him there to sleep. No sooner did I realize it was time to take Jude to his swim lessons. I thought we’d leave a little early so I could stop by Starbucks and get a Salted Caramel Chocolate Creme (the cold drink with NO COFFEE) The line was long but we had some time. Jude was well behaved and everyone did plenty of doding over the kids. I got my drink and loaded the kids back into the car only to realize I received the Salted Caramel Mocha which HAS COFFEE. I was pissed. The kids were back in the car, it was raining and we had swim lessons to attend. So I DID NOT have my drink. 🙁

Swim Lessons went well. Noah went into childcare while I watched Jude learn to swim.

After swim lessons we met Joe at The Flying Biscuit for dinner. We ate too much and it was good.

We had breakfast for dinner. I had eggs and they were yum!

Then we went home, got the kids ready for bed and I tagged out. Joe took over baby duty and I work on the computer.

*You may notice I did NOT vote. I had intentions of voting but my day was less than ideal for another outing with 2 small children. However, Joe did vote so that counts for something right?

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