Week in My Life – Thursday 10.24


Adventuroo WIML thurs 13

Thursday has by far been the best day of this week. The boys tried to wake up at 5am but that wasn’t going to happen so Joe put them back in bed and thankfully we all went back to sleep. In fact, we all slept in until 8am, which was a little late.

I started off with a little cleaning. I dusted and vacuumed the downstairs. It was fun because I got to try out my new toy.

wiml24_1Then Joe messaged me on gchat that he forget not only his lunch but also his wallet.

wiml24_3And then I remembered I forgot to send in Jude’s school picture order. I quickly filled out the form and placed it in my purse to hand to his teacher when I picked him up from school this afternoon.

wiml24_2So I loaded up the boys and we headed off to Joe’s office. Along the way I stopped at Bojangles for some country ham biscuits since neither Joe or I had breakfast.

WIML24We headed home, I fed the boys lunch and then it was time to get Jude from school. I gave his teacher the order form. The rest of the afternoon was pretty uneventful, which was nice. Both Noah and Simon took naps. Noah decided to take his nap in Jude’s bed which was super cute. Jude watched Toy Story of Terror again, played with Legos and his Leap Frog Tag Reader.

For dinner I made Cuban Picadilla, which is a recipe from my friend Kristy. She made it for us after Noah was born and Joe LOVED it and requested the recipe. The recipe is actually from her grandmother-in-law. I make it about once every 2 weeks and every time I make it Jude says “yuck, I don’t like this” when I put it on the table. Then after a little convincing he tries it and eats multiple helpings. It never fails, he claims to not like it and then eats all of it.

wiml24_4After dinner the boys requested a dance party, so Joe and I put on some “dance” music and let them loose. We have a dance party at least once a month, it’s a great way to get out some of that end of the day energy.


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