Blogger of the Week: Mommy’s Memorandum

 Today’s Featured Blogger is Julee from Mommy’s Memorandum

How old is your blog or long have you been blogging? 
It’s birth was May 2008, but I didn’t really begin to nurture it until January 2010. I posted here and there but didn’t really have my niche.
What made you choose the name of your blog? 
As a busy mom to six, everything in my life is short and condensed–my attention span is shorter than my four year olds so I tend to just get the gist of the message–just like a memorandum. I love aliteration and it represents my life. 
Why do you blog and what do you love about blogging? 
I love to write and find that it is a great stress reducer. I’m opinionated and blogging gives me a platform to voice my thoughts. I love the network of bloggers and the regular readers I have. They make it enjoyable!
What are a few of your favorite posts on your blog?
Are you married? If so, how long? 
I’m married and it’s been too long! 😉
Do you have children? If so, how many? 
I have six children. Ages 4-20!
What is your favorite movie? 
I love any movie with Heath Ledger. Knights Tale is quite possibly my favorite. 
Who is your favorite actor? 
I have many, but Heath Ledger is tops! 
What is your favorite band or musician? 
Bon Jovi! Bon Jovi! Bon Jovi!
What is your favorite food? 
I love all food, as my waitline reveals–Mexican probably is my favorite
What is your favorite candy? 
Junior Mints–frozen or not, they are amazing.
What else should readers know about you? 
That I appreciate each and every one of them and continuously strive to find items to review that fit into their lifestyle as easily as they fit into mine.

The B Keeps Us Honest will feature a new Blogger of The Week each Saturday. If you would like to be featured please contact me

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