Blogger of the Week: Enjoy Life, Enjoy Now
Today’s Featured Blogger is Leslie from Enjoy Life, Enjoy Now
I have been blogging on my family blog since Oct. 2007. This actual blog was started in January of 09.
When I started a little over a year ago, my blog was titled, “Rants, Raves, and Pet Peeves” however for 2010 and on…I decided I wanted to Enjoy Life, and Enjoy Now more—so I brought it to my blog.
I blog for fun!! I always say it is an outlet to my madness. I love doing it for ME and my spare time. I just recently started reviews and giveaways and am really looking forward to doing more of that.
This question made me realize I don’t write anything very insightful—very often. Here are a few posts from a meme I participate in called, “Motivating Mondays”, I promise to write more just to write.
Yes I am married. My hubby and I will celebrate 8 yrs in June.
I have 2 beautiful daughters: Kendall 6, and Peyton 3
I watch A LOT of movies. I don’t know how to pick just one. I love Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, Hope Floats, Serendipity, classic romance, chick flicks
Zoolander, Old School, Napoleon Dynamite, Stupid Funny Movies
Current Faves: Couples Retreat, The Proposal, Terminator Salvation, Julie and Julia,
I like Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughan, Hugh Jackman (another great movie Wolverine, Kate and Leopold), Reese Witherspoon, Sandra Bullock….list goes on.
Daughtry,Rascal Flatts, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Matthew Nathanson, and pretty much whatever my hubby listens to. I really don’t know who sings a lot of the songs I like
There really isn’t much I won’t eat, but I really like Mexican food and Chinese food.
Sour Patch Kids, Hot Tamales, Starbursts. Love chewy, sour, and sweet, over chocolate.
I am a simple person. I am easily entertained and easily pleased. I try to be HAPPY all the time, and if I get in a FUNK—I try to quickly get myself out of it. I love kids—especially my own. I have a passion for baking and cooking and would love to go to culinary school or to be a pastry chef. I love to READ and will stay up into all hours of the morning to finish a GOOD book.

The B Keeps Us Honest will feature a new Blogger of The Week each Saturday. If you would like to be featured please contact me.