Tot School

Tot School
During my blog browsing I came across Toddler Awesome who was participating in Tot School. Since Jude is so active I never thought it would be possible to get Jude to participate in crafts and other learning activities so I never really tried. But with the help of Tot School I think I can find suitable crafts and activities for a kid like Jude. 

Tot School is a focused time each day on the tot in your family. So with the assistance of a few great mommies and their blogs I’ve decided to give it a try. Toddler Awesome has organized theme weeks for her son and I thought this was a great idea so I did the same.

Here are my theme weeks for the next few months:
Feb 12/ Superheros
Feb 28/ Family
Mar 7/ Day and Night
Mar 14/ St. Patrick’s Day
Mar 21/ Spring
Mar 28/ Easter
Apr 4/ Farm Animals
Apr 11/ Space
Apr 18/ Earth (Earth Day Apr 22)
Apr 25/ Water
May 2/ Moms (Mother’s Day May 9)
May 9/ Friends
May 16/ Colors
May 23/ Dinosaurs
May 30/ Bodies
June 6/ Faces and Feelings
June 13/ Dads (Father’s Day June 20)
June 20/ Birthdays (Jude’s B-day June 27)
June 27/ Letters

I hope to incorporate our membership to the Museum of Life and Science for some of these. Now I need to plan out crafts and activities for these weeks. I’m pretty exited that Jude is now getting to an age where we can work on things together.

I plan on documenting some of the activities and crafts we do each week.

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