Lil Lieb Birthday Pool
When will Lil Lieb be born?
Lil Lieb’s Due Date is June 20th.
Leave a comment with your prediction for the date, sex and weight of Lil Lieb.
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Here are a few of the things I’m loving this month. This purse I bought from Amazon… Hynes Eagle Canvas Bag – $29.99 This Book… Dance Stand Run by Jess Connolly – $11.48 These Candles… Light is Love Soy Candles – $8 This drink… Trader Joe’s Lemon Elderflower Soda These Jeans… Universal Thread Released Hem…
We love our local toy store. It’s our go-to location when we need to get out of the house. I love that the store is small and intimate with friendly customer service. It’s our neighborhood toy store and we love it. That is why I’m excited about the upcoming Neighborhood Toy Store Day on Saturday,…
My hair grows extremely fast when I’m pregnant. Even though I got my hair cut when I was pregnant with Abel it had quickly returned that unbearable length… when it get caught under my armpit I know it’s too long. So after weeks of complaining I finally broke down and schedule a hair appointment. When…
We are already in the throws of summer. Summer camp, swim meets, grilling out, vacations… I wanted to make a short bucket list of things to do with the kids this summer. I’m not going to be overly ambitious because I know my limitations with 3 small kids so here are a few of the…
A few hours of jumping in the waves and building castles in the sand… = a self administered nap for my non-napping child. PinShare
I often cut the boys’ hair. I have no professional and heavily rely on YouTube videos to guide me through the process. The first time I ever cut anyone’s hair was when Joe and I were dating. I cut his hair using my mom’s clipper set from when my dad was in the Air Force….