Social Lieb

I had an inclination that having a baby would force me to be more social, however I didn’t expect it to start before he/she even arrived. It seems almost every day someone comments on my growing belly and impending arrival. The conversations usually go something like this…

Stranger: Oh, when are you due?
Me: June 20th
Stranger: Not too much longer?
Me: Nope just a few more weeks.
Stranger: Is this your first?
Me: Yes
Stranger: How lovely. Do you know what you’re having?
Me: No we decided to keep it a surprise.
Stranger: How nice, a surprise.
Me: Yeah.
Stranger: Well, good luck.

(Insert awkward pause as we wait for the elevator doors to open.)

I guess people feel obligated to acknowledge the fact you’re having a baby… or maybe they feel they have a way to connect to stranger. (Usually with some remark like… “oh I know someone that had a baby!” Wow, that’s amazing I’ve never known anyone to have a baby.) Anyway, who knows what I’m in for after Lil Lieb arrives. Yikes!

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