
I stood around for 3 hours to get my book signed… and I liked it.

I stood around for 3 hours to get my book signed… and I liked it.

I’m a picky reader. I often start books but don’t finish them because…. well honestly I think they suck. So when I find a book series or author that I really enjoy reading it’s kind of a miracle. After Simon was born I bought Jenny Lawson’s (The Bloggess) first book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened:…


Personalized Books Make Great Holiday Gifts {Giveaway}

One of my favorite things to give as Christmas gifts are personalized items. Anyone can buy a standard story book the day before Christmas but personalization shows that you put great thought into the gift. Just Kids Gifts offers children’s personalized music CD’s, personalized photo DVD’s, and personalized music DVD’s, all of which would make great…

Free Coffee

I don’t actually drink coffee but I’m married to an addict so I’m always on the look out for good coffee deals. So here’s one for all you coffee lovers. Free Flavored Coffee at Borders!One FREE Small Cup of Flavored Brewed Coffee from Seattle’s Best Coffee cafe with coupon. VALID IN-STORE THROUGH 9/7/09 While you’re…