10 Amazing Books About Dinosaurs
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My 3-year old son loves dinosaurs. We are 24/7 dinosaurs in our house. And it’s not just “ROAR, I’m a dinosaur” mode it’s a “Mama, this is a pachycephalosaurus, he has a thick skull for head butting other dinosaurs.” Three is such a great age because kids are totally immersed in whatever it is that interests them which makes them little sponges ready to absorb information.
We read dozens of books about dinosaurs and here are a few of our favorite dino books that your little dino love might enjoy.
National Geographic Kids Ultimate Dinopedia
If you have a kid that loves dinosaur facts and some of the lesser known dinosaurs this is a great book.
Dinosaur A to Z: For Kids Who Really Love Dinosaurs
A fun a colorful look at 26 dinosaurs, full of facts but also great for younger kids.
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs
This is another great book for little kids. Beautifully illustrated with a lot of facts about dinosaurs.
Discovery Kids Dinosaurs Rumble Sound Book
10 buttons with sounds of dinosaurs, colorful pictures and quick facts.
The Berenstain Bears’ Dinosaur Dig
A story about dinosaurs fossils and also very educational.
National Geographic Readers: Dinosaurs
Great book for early readers that enjoy more non-fiction fact based reading.
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?
A fun bed time story book that includes the names of all the dinosaurs featured.
A board book by Sandra Boynton, this book contains no dinosaur facts but is super cute. Also, check out Dinosaur Dance!.
Jurassic World Dinosaur Field Guide
Bold illustrations and a very kid-friendly guide to over 100 dinosaurs, includes bonus poster.
Dinosaurs A to Z – Dinosaur Train
Another great book for preschool/toddler ages. A padded board book with favorite characters from the popular show, Dinosaur Train. This books lists dinosaurs have names that start with each letter of the alphabet.
These are just a few of our favorite books.
What are your favorite books about dinosaurs?
This post contains affiliates links, but all opinions are my own.
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